The SpiritChasers were founded by Christopher Allen Brewer and James Manda in 2006. Over the years they have been featured on Discovery +, Travel Channel, the Biography Channel, Fox News, SyFy, Lifetime Movie Network, Washington's High Strangeness television program, the Denver Post ( in an interview filmed by 2-time Pulitzer Prize winner Craig Walker ), and Japan's Fuji TV. They have participated in several popular ghost hunts, paranormal conventions, media presentations and haunted history walks, as well as appearances on radio and in printed media. After the 2016 fall season, marking their 10th year as paranormal investigators, they adopted the name FUTURE GHOST, expanding their vision and evolving to accommodate the entirety of all mysterious phenomena.
Christopher was influenced by Hans Holzer, Ed & Lorraine Warren and Loren Coleman in the early 80's, watching programs such as In Search Of and Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World. He came from Pine Ridge City, South Dakota, and his early exposure to the spirit world came from those in his tribe, the Oglala Sioux. His grandfather named him Mato Cante in 1991, from which he developed a deeper communion with his dreamtime, and with the Creator.
His first official ghost hunt occurred at age 12, as well as his first EVP capture. He created The SpiritChasers in 2006 in direct response to the over-saturation of sideshow paranormal programs dominating television at that time.
Photo: A screencap from The Biography Channel of Christopher Allen Brewer from his 2012 episode of My Ghost Story entitled Paranormal Studies 101 ( episode 30 ).
His first official ghost hunt occurred at age 12, as well as his first EVP capture. He created The SpiritChasers in 2006 in direct response to the over-saturation of sideshow paranormal programs dominating television at that time.
Photo: A screencap from The Biography Channel of Christopher Allen Brewer from his 2012 episode of My Ghost Story entitled Paranormal Studies 101 ( episode 30 ).
From Christopher's 2012 interview with After Dark With Dr. Mike: "I learned early on that spirit existed in everything, so in a way one could say that everything was already haunted. The paranormal was normal, there was no element of phenomena to it, though it was indeed fascinating. It was a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean it wasn't scary. Though grandma had crossed over some years ago, she still came back to visit during weddings. We just knew to expect her, though to see doorknobs turning around the house at night was terrifying."
Photo: Screenshots from The SpiritChasers' 2012 episode of BIO's ( now Lifetime Movie Network's ) My Ghost Story, episode #30, Paranormal Studies 101.
Photo: Screenshots from The SpiritChasers' 2012 episode of BIO's ( now Lifetime Movie Network's ) My Ghost Story, episode #30, Paranormal Studies 101.
Christopher: "We have a rotating roster of people we have known for years, mediums and psychics from the metaphysical shop I manage, as well as friends and family members who join James and I on investigations. People who, regardless of their views on the afterlife, have tremendous respect for Spirit. It's ideal to have fresh perspectives, too. There's so much we can learn from each other. We chose not to be a traditional, hierarchical group. We never really fell in line with popular belief and originally wanted our program to be the antithesis of everything we saw on TV."
Photo: James Manda, SpiritChasers spirit photographer, on-air with After Dark With Dr. Mike in Pueblo, Colorado.
Photo: James Manda, SpiritChasers spirit photographer, on-air with After Dark With Dr. Mike in Pueblo, Colorado.
Photo: A screencap from The Biography Channel of James Manda from his 2012 episode of My Ghost Story entitled Paranormal Studies 101 ( episode 30 ).
Christopher: "We always have some meditation or ceremony beforehand. Where is our focus, our intent, our energy? It has to be more than just copying what we see on TV. It has to be more than just sitting in the dark watching blinking lights or listening to AM radio bands.
Growing up in the 80's, so many shows - Charlie's Angels, The Incredible Hulk, The Bionic Woman, Knight Rider - they all had to have their own ghost episode. There was always the same formula - a thunderstorm, lightning flashing on eerie oil paintings, flickering candles, billowing curtains, swinging chandeliers, a grandfather clock chiming. That's all it took to establish an environment as haunted. It was silly but romantic. Because I longed to be in those environments, I needed more to my experience. I needed more than to sit in a corner watching a flashlight turn on and off. I still want to be where there are billowing curtains and chandeliers swaying over my head."
Photo: The SpiritChasers publicity photo from the very paranormally active Victor Hotel, Colorado.
Growing up in the 80's, so many shows - Charlie's Angels, The Incredible Hulk, The Bionic Woman, Knight Rider - they all had to have their own ghost episode. There was always the same formula - a thunderstorm, lightning flashing on eerie oil paintings, flickering candles, billowing curtains, swinging chandeliers, a grandfather clock chiming. That's all it took to establish an environment as haunted. It was silly but romantic. Because I longed to be in those environments, I needed more to my experience. I needed more than to sit in a corner watching a flashlight turn on and off. I still want to be where there are billowing curtains and chandeliers swaying over my head."
Photo: The SpiritChasers publicity photo from the very paranormally active Victor Hotel, Colorado.
Photo: A screenshot of Christopher Allen Brewer's Fox News interview at Evergreen Cemetery in October, 2012.
Photo: Christopher Allen Brewer on-air with After Dark With Dr. Mike in Pueblo, Colorado in 2012.